While you’re familiar with home insurance, travel insurance and car insurance, have you ever considered purchasing bicycle insurance? Do you think your homeowners or renters insurance properly covers your bike? Think again. Most property insurance provides little, if any, coverage for performance bikes. Because of that, we recommend that you consider purchasing bicycle insurance from Markel where they can customize your coverage to fit your riding style. Some of the coverages Markel offers include:
- Replacement coverage for collision, theft, and more
- Bicycle Physical Damage coverage protecting your bike against damage, theft and more. Plus, this coverage automatically includes protection for your spare parts, cycle apparel, competitive event fee reimbursement if you are unable to race, and rental reimbursement
- Protection in case you cause bodily injury or property damage to others
- Medical payments and roadside assistance coverage
Most homeowners policies have limits on coverage for sporting equipment, like bicycles. And if you do have a claim, you’ll probably be faced with a hefty deductible. Even worse, it may cause your property insurance rates to go up. Why risk it when you can properly protect your bike with Markel for as low as $100 per year? Visit Markel or call 1-800-236-2453 to learn more.